

Breakfast is available daily from 7:30 - 8:15 和 lunch is served daily from 11:25 - 1:00.                
Lunch #1: If you have an 艺术 class, you have class from 11:25 - 12:45 then lunch until 1:15.                                    
Lunch #2: If you don't have 艺术 class, eat lunch from 11:25 - 12:00.                                   
Lunch: You may attend a club meeting then eat lunch at 12:00 or eat lunch at 11:20 then attend a club at 12:00. 


Our 80-minute classes allow for deeper, more experiential learning. 除了讲座, teachers have time to hold in-class activities 和 follow up on those activities within the same class period. Classes are less rushed, allowing teachers 和 students time to fully dive into the subject material. With fewer classes per day (four instead of six) there is time saved in less commuting between classes, 安顿下来,放松下来. 必然地, 每天只有四节课, there is also less homework to navigate each night – students can better focus on the homework they do have, 让他们不那么疲惫和紧张.

Another benefit: The first class begins at 8:30am. 以前,上午8点开始上课. 周三早上9点才开始上课. 研究表明 青少年 长期睡眠不足, due to circadian rhythms that biologically keep them up later at night 和 put them at a disadvant年龄 first thing in the morning. "We felt this issue was worth acting on while we wait for other schools to catch up to the science,研究主任里克·托尼说 的侦探, a regional newspaper, which covered the epidemic of teen sleep deprivation.

Our dining hall is open for those who need to be on campus early due to public school district bus schedules – those students can still save time by eating breakfast in our dining hall instead of at home.



California became the first state in the nation to 规定8:30上课时间 高中生. 

WHYY的 此时此地 talked with Director of Admission Scott Eckstein about how our later start times sets our students up for success, 和 费城的声音 采访了我们的学习主任里克·托尼.

商业内幕 的侦探 have interviewed Director of Studies Rick Tony about our new later start times.

第一频道新闻 interviewed Director of Admission Scott Eckstein 和 several 韦德娱乐app下载地址 students about our schedule, sharing how later school start times benefit the teen年龄 brain. 


要深入了解这个话题,请观看 为什么青少年应该推迟上学 ted演讲. 根据她作为睡眠研究者的经验, 临床医生和十几岁孩子的母亲, Troxel discusses how early school start times deprive adolescents of sleep during the time of their lives when they need it most.


For questions about the schedule 和 how it relates to course selection, 请与学习主任Rick Tony联系 rtony@retrokonpa.com.

For transportation questions related to morning arrivals, please contact Director of Transportation Peter Redmond P'13 at predmond@retrokonpa.com.